Nathan Fox’s covers for The Camelot Kids

Part One of the book introduces 28 characters. Not easy to do with 120 pages. Nathan’s cover and Ian’s illustrations were that much more important because of this challenge.
Nathan’s version of Maille Rose has a lot of heart in it. And action. And mystery. Typical Nathan.

Part Two is where magic peeks over the horizon of reality and goes BOO! Simon Sharp may have a hard time accepting it, but he can’t deny trolls and 7 ft elderly wizards and floating chairs.
This cover creeped me out when I first saw it. My eyes were drawn to the eyes after wandering through the haze for a split second. Nathan is constantly thinking about the way his audience experiences his work.

Part Three is the first part of the story where Simon is swimming (sinking?) in a world of magic and danger. We get to see him fight with the knights of New Camelot. We get to see what Uncle Victor is up to. And we get to see the opening sequence of the finale!
This cover is just so flagrantly powerful. Just like its subject, Uncle Victor.

The Camelot Kids: Part Four reveals the plot, the players and the victims. Nothing will be the same again in New Camelot.