Here’s a lovely audiobook cover illustration by Ian Greenlee.
As usual.
The guy is a genius.
I’ll always be thankful to Nathan Fox for introducing us. Oh, and there’s much more to the image, by the way, which I’ll share later this week as we get closer to the audiobook launch.
I’m so honored to have had Kathleen Chalfant on this project. I’m writing a post about the experience. It was 10 days of my life that I’ll always cherish. In the end, it was the ultimate New York City story. I look forward to sharing it with you.
If you want to see Kathy’s other work you can see her in The Affair (NSFW)
She’s theater royalty (I’m sure she hates that term — but it’s true!) She brought so much depth to the characters and the story. I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoyed recording it.
We’re going to do something different here. I’d like to show off Ian Greenlee’s art in a unique way.
Piece by piece.
Ian’s work is spectacularly detailed. He works on a canvas the size of a house and loves to dive into minutia like no one else I know. To show this talent off I’m going to reveal his latest piece. It captures the moment that Simon Sharp walks into the fantastic town for the first time. I think Ian does a brilliant job of making us feel the awe that Simon felt. When you see the full piece all together, you’ll see what I mean.
I’ll update this post once per day until the softcover launch on December 12th, so bookmark it and come back to see the full illustration slowly come to life!
Enough talking! Take a look at this first tiny slice of a masterpiece!
Slice #1: Girls in the Market
Slice #2: Getting Ready for the Fair
Slice #3: Watch Your Head!
Slice #4: Girl, Meet Monkey
Slice #5: Young Lovers in New Camelot
Slice #6: Shopping for an Elbow
Any of these illustrations have enough detail to satisfy most artists. Not Ian.
THIS is how big the above images are in comparison to the full piece!
I opened Google Drive the other day and saw that Ian Greenlee (illustrator) had delivered an illustration of Maille Rose.
He’s drawn hers precisely as I’d envisioned her. I mean dead-on accurate. I’d spent eight years writing Maille and there she was. If you missed the intro of Maille Rose (which includes an excerpt from The Camelot Kids) then head over to the Maille Rose sneak peek!
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