Have a piece of Merlin in your home (ewwwww)
Enter for a chance to win The Camelot Kids: Book One. The Amazon best-seller has collected reviews like
“If you’ve been waiting for a book that will take you back to the day when you first read Harry Potter, then your wait is over.” – A Chick Who Reads review (5 Stars)
And then there was this one
“I don’t think I have had such a fun time with a book since I read Percy Jackson.” – Belle’s Beautiful Books review
Oh, and this is a favorite around the house because I am, indeed, known for twisting away from expectations all the time and then using those expectations against you.
“Zackheim does an excellent job of twisting the story away from your expectations – and in places even uses your expectations, both of the genre itself and the source material, against you.” – Nicholas Pozo, Goodreads reader