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Cover of Unholy Deuce the Urban Fantasy Supernatural Thriller eBook on Kindle. The image shows the two main characters, one a sorceress assassin and the other a vampire priest exorcist.

She’s a loner sorceress with a secret. He’s a haunted exorcist with a past that’s about to catch up with him. The children of New York City know there’s something in the shadows, waiting to take them. An unlikely team is their only hope.


Enjoy the first FULL story arc in the RELIC series. Books 1-10 give you page-turning adventure, smoldering mystery, ruthless vampires, magic, and relics with the power to destroy humanity.

Urban Fantasy Supernatural Thriller eBook cover shows Rebel standing over Kane who sits on a throne from Egypt. Her spell's light surrounds him protectively.

Book Ten:  The action-packed, snark-racked tenth and final book in the first Kane Arkwright supernatural thriller arc will leave you wanting more!

A man and a woman stand side by side. He holds two handguns while she casts a spell of blue light from her hand that surrounds him in an embrace.

Book One: The vampires just woke up from a 1000-year slumber. Before nap-time they buried their fortunes around the world. Now they want their hidden treasures back.

Relic Hammer A Kane Arkwright Supernatural Thriller ebook

Book Two: Kane and Rebel head to Iceland to find an ancient relic that the Vampires would do anything to get in their moist, clammy hands. Can they snag it before the undead?

Relic Shield Supernatural Thriller eBook

Book Three: Kane and Rebel have the weight of the world on their shoulders as they try to get rid of a mystical shield that’s about to drive the world mad. Can they pull this one off?

Relic Grail Supernatural Thriller

Book Four: Rebel is on the run. Kane’s determined to track her down and help her. Whether she likes it, or not. He and Dino the troll cross the UK to save his partner from her own plan.

Relic: Blade (Supernatural Thriller)

Book Five: Kane and Rebel must secure a relic that can alter reality itself. But can they succeed when the mastermind behind the coming war steps out of the darness and into the fight?

Book Six: Kane travel across an apocalyptic world to Paris. He’s determined to grab the first of five pieces of the mysterious scroll that holds the power to save us all. But can he do it in time?

Book Seven: Kane and Rebel are back in fine form, wreaking havoc everywhere as they travel the world to find a mask that will lead them to the second scroll piece. Or will it?

Image of cover to Relic Spear ebook in the supernatural thriller series on Amazon

Book Eight: May the best gods win. Kane was just starting to understand the war that ended the world.  Then Rebel’s unpredictable sister Ronin shows up and everything changes. Yeah, for the worse. 

The Book of the Undead has been mutilated.
Book Nine: It’s missing two spells. All indications are that the spells may be just what humanity needs to survive. Luckily, Kane Arkwright knows where to find them. Not-so-luckily, he’s a little busy fighting Set and his vampire army in Manhattan. With the Sceptre of Was in one hand, and the Spear of Odin in the other, Kane is dealing with more power than any man has experienced before. Everyone thinks that should make victory easier. But as he maneuvers the unfamiliar world of the Magicists, he’s about to find out just how easy it is to lose everything. The 9th book in the RELIC seriessets the stage for a grand finale!

A picture of a box set of Relic books by Ben Zackheim, a Supernatural Thriller eBook series on Amazon

Collecting RELIC Books 1-3: Cocky vampires, mythical swords, steady Glocks, and ghost hordes. Welcome to Kane Arkwright’s world. A box of Kane and Rebel is just what we need right now!

Picture of the Relic Box Set 2 Supernatural Thriller eBook series on Amazon

Collecting RELIC Books 4-6: The adventure continues! Has Rebel really turned on Kane, or is there a method to her madness? The end of the world is coming. There’s not much time to find out.


Urban Fantasy Ben Zackheim ebook cover of Bethany Black Supernatural Detective with her altered tiger form.


Don’t kidnap a weretiger unless you’re ready to have your ass kicked…
Bethany Black is a rookie cop in the New York Paranormal Police Department (PPD). She’s fast as hell, tougher than nails, and she’s got no problem with blowing up stuff.

She also turns into a ferocious tiger when she gets sufficiently pissed off.


Urban Fantasy Ben Zackheim ebook cover of Bethany Black Supernatural Detective with her altered tiger form.

Getting claws raked across your face isn’t all that fun…

With the Blood Claw spell nearing perfection, the amalgamation of goblin and weretiger has gone rampant. Translation: the citizens of New York may soon be taking their final breaths.

Bethany can’t allow that. Even though it’ll likely kill her and the crew of the PPD, they have to risk everything to stop the madness. 

Urban Fantasy Ben Zackheim ebook cover of Bethany Black Supernatural Detective with her altered tiger form.

Things are about to get bloody…

When wizards start turning up dead, Bethany and her crew have to figure out who’s behind it. As Bethany continues to build her chops as a supernatural cop, she’ll have to learn to stand on her own…after she heals from that knife wound, of course. But the city has a way of breaking you down, if you’re not careful. 


Urban Fantasy Ben Zackheim ebook cover of Bethany Black Supernatural Detective with her altered tiger form.

Every victory unveils a more powerful enemy.


Bethany Black has helped take down one jackass after another. Now she faces the most powerful force in New York City…which she’ll face alone if she lets the fury inside her burn too hot. She can’t help but think the war has just gotten a bit too personal.

Then again, maybe it’s been personal all along…


Bethany Black and her alter ego tiger stand ready for battle

There comes a time when you just have to flex your claws.


The cops in the New York Paranormal Police Department take issue with people screwing up their city, and they’re in a foul mood indeed. Friends have been lost, and lives have been irreparably damaged, all because Osiris seeks the brass ring.



The Camelot Kids by Ben Zackheim
“If you’ve been waiting for a book that will take you back to the day when you first read Harry Potter, then your wait is over.”   A Chick Who Reads review (5 Stars)


Ben’s storytelling adventures started as a Production Assistant on the set of the film, A River Runs Through It. After forgetting to bring the crew’s walkie talkies, losing Robert Redford’s jacket and asking Brad Pitt if he was related to Paul Newman (in front of Paul Newman) he decided that film production didn’t “speak” to him. Since no one else on the set would speak to him either, he knew he needed to find work that required minimal human contact.

Writing. THAT he could do…

His book, The Camelot Kids, appeals to young and old alike. Julie Ann Grasso (author of the Adventure of Caramel Cardamom books) says The Camelot Kids will “leave you clutching onto your Kindle.” Stephen King says, “I’m not providing blurbs at this time,” but Ben is chipping away at King’s resolve.

The Kane Arkwright Supernatural Thrillers are geared toward the more mature audience, with action and adventure (and snark) that one reviewer called, “the makings of a great new series!” His collaboration with author John P. Logsdon on the New York Paranormal Police Department introduced the world to Officer Bethany Black, everyone’s favorite weretiger.

Ben has taken up the writerly life in the Forbidden Forest at 42.5098° N, 72.6995° W.