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Shirley Link & The Treasure Chest is #1 on Amazon! Thank you!

Shirley Link & The Treasure Chest is #1 on Amazon! Thank you!

Shirley Link & The Treasure Chest by Ben Zackheim

I wanted to post a quick thank you for your support in making Shirley Link & The Treasure Chest the #1 free Kids Mystery book on Amazon! The book is highly rated with 13 reviews and 4.8 stars, so I’m sure that helped my current promotion go well. But I also have you to thank for spreading the word about my favorite detective!

If you haven’t tried Shirley yet, give her a read. The Treasure Chest is free for the rest of the day, and The Safe Case is free forever.

My favorite image of the day ;-)

Shirley Link is #1


Though I like this one too…

Shirley Link is #26

#26 overall in Kids ebooks! Nice.

Thanks again, folks.